Wednesday, February 5, 2025

People will vote for Awami League in next elections: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina


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Online desk:

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina termed the BNP-Jamaat clique as vote thieves and urged the countrymen not to vote for them, saying they want to destroy the country.

He said, ‘They (BNP-Jamaat) will destroy Bangladesh. So, be careful, so that the BNP-Jamaat cycle does not come to power again.

He said this at a civic reception given to Bangladeshi expatriates in the UK at the London Marriott Hotel on Sunday local time.

The Prime Minister said that his party will win the next general election as they always stand by the people when needed. Inshallah, the people will give us the opportunity to serve them. Everyone (leaders-workers) should work with confidence, because we will win the election. He does not think that the people of the country will trust BNP-Jamaat.

The Prime Minister said, they smuggled the country’s money abroad and thus destroyed the country. So, how can people trust them? People already know that they are thieves, corrupt, murderers, grenade throwers and looters and they are patrons of murderers.

He said that the BNP-Jamaat alliance has brought the country to the brink of destruction by embezzling money.

The Prime Minister said that Tariq Rahman has been sentenced for his corruption and the government has managed to bring back around Tk 40 crore smuggled by Khaleda Zia’s younger son Koko.
The Prime Minister promised, ‘Bangladesh will be a ‘Smart Bangladesh’ by 2041. We have formulated the ‘Delta 2100’ plan. The country should be taken forward. There will be no more homeless, landless people in the country.

Awami League works for the welfare of people. No one in Bangladesh will be short of food he said.
The Prime Minister once again termed the leaders of BNPO as vote stealers and said Tareek Rahman is a vote stealer and his mother is also a vote stealer.

The head of government said that Awami League did not come to power by rigging votes like BNP-Jamaat.
‘Awami League always fights for the rights of the country and its people; Awami League came to power after being elected by people’s vote. Awami League never came to power by usurping or stealing power.

The Prime Minister wants to know from the BNP leaders how many parties participated in the February 15, 1996 farcical election and how many votes were cast.

Awami League President Sheikh Hasina said that the people of the country are aware enough about their right to vote. We have made people aware of this.

The Prime Minister said that no one has anything to say about the 2008 elections. What were the results of that election? How many seats did the 20-party coalition of BNP get? The 20-party alliance won a total of 30 seats, including 29 seats in the election and 1 later in the by-election. And the rest of the seats were of the Awami League-led Grand Alliance. We got all the remaining seats. Where is their position with the people that they jump so much?

The Prime Minister briefly described the various development programs undertaken by his government in the last 14 years.

Online desk:

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina termed the BNP-Jamaat clique as vote thieves and urged the countrymen not to vote for them, saying they want to destroy the country.

He said, ‘They (BNP-Jamaat) will destroy Bangladesh. So, be careful, so that the BNP-Jamaat cycle does not come to power again.

He said this at a civic reception given to Bangladeshi expatriates in the UK at the London Marriott Hotel on Sunday local time.

The Prime Minister said that his party will win the next general election as they always stand by the people when needed. Inshallah, the people will give us the opportunity to serve them. Everyone (leaders-workers) should work with confidence, because we will win the election. He does not think that the people of the country will trust BNP-Jamaat.

The Prime Minister said, they smuggled the country’s money abroad and thus destroyed the country. So, how can people trust them? People already know that they are thieves, corrupt, murderers, grenade throwers and looters and they are patrons of murderers.

He said that the BNP-Jamaat alliance has brought the country to the brink of destruction by embezzling money.

The Prime Minister said that Tariq Rahman has been sentenced for his corruption and the government has managed to bring back around Tk 40 crore smuggled by Khaleda Zia’s younger son Koko.
The Prime Minister promised, ‘Bangladesh will be a ‘Smart Bangladesh’ by 2041. We have formulated the ‘Delta 2100’ plan. The country should be taken forward. There will be no more homeless, landless people in the country.

Awami League works for the welfare of people. No one in Bangladesh will be short of food he said.
The Prime Minister once again termed the leaders of BNPO as vote stealers and said Tareek Rahman is a vote stealer and his mother is also a vote stealer.

The head of government said that Awami League did not come to power by rigging votes like BNP-Jamaat.
‘Awami League always fights for the rights of the country and its people; Awami League came to power after being elected by people’s vote. Awami League never came to power by usurping or stealing power.

The Prime Minister wants to know from the BNP leaders how many parties participated in the February 15, 1996 farcical election and how many votes were cast.

Awami League President Sheikh Hasina said that the people of the country are aware enough about their right to vote. We have made people aware of this.

The Prime Minister said that no one has anything to say about the 2008 elections. What were the results of that election? How many seats did the 20-party coalition of BNP get? The 20-party alliance won a total of 30 seats, including 29 seats in the election and 1 later in the by-election. And the rest of the seats were of the Awami League-led Grand Alliance. We got all the remaining seats. Where is their position with the people that they jump so much?

The Prime Minister briefly described the various development programs undertaken by his government in the last 14 years.

C. Biswas/ newsbdjournalist 24


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